To make sure you get the best longevity out of your hair, the right way to do it is to take proper care of your Hair Extensions, just because it isn’t your real hair doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve love too! Below we discuss crucial things you need to do on ‘How to maintain Hair Extensions’, so you can retain your luscious locks.
Why is it important to take care of your Hair Extensions?
Taking care of your Hair Extensions is not only essential if you want your hair to remain beautiful for longer, but it is also critical if you want to keep your natural hair safe. The natural oils excreted from your scalp will not reach your extensions, so keeping your hair thoroughly moisturised with natural products is important.
How to take care of Human Hair Extensions
It is critical that you wash your Human Hair Extensions with sulphate free shampoo. As it is human hair, it will behave like human hair and sulphate can make your real hair, as well as your hair extensions very dry.
When styling your hair, you can curl, straighten or tease your hair as much as you want, but you must know that doing this without the proper protection your hair deserves, can severely strain and suck the life out of both your hair and Hair Extensions. Before you apply heat to your hair, consider using heat protection sprays, so that your hair does not get damaged by the heat. Gels, serums and sprays are good, but try and avoid them if you have keratin bonds, as it can cause the bonds to weaken, slip or stick, which is to be avoided at all costs.
How to wash your Nano/Micro Ring Hair Extensions
There are many salons in the UK that offer quality hair extensions, so even if you Live in Milton Keynes, Nano Ring Hair Extensions or any other type of hair extensions can be installed into your hair! After a fresh application of Nano Rings, Micro Rings or any other type of hair extension, it would be best if you did not wash your hair for at least 24 hours. When you do decide to wash your hair, wash it gently and in a downwards motion, and rinse thoroughly, as to not disturb your Nano or Micro Rings, so your Hair Extensions can last for longer. Shampoo and condition your hair, and when washed, pat dry to avoid the tangling or matting of your Hair Extensions.
When going to bed, ensure that your hair is not wet, this is imperative as people tend to move around a lot when they are asleep. When your bonds are wet, they are at their most vulnerable, so the twisting and turning in your sleep can weaken your bonds causing them to fall out or tangle up. The best thing to do is to allow them to dry naturally as to avoid heat damage.